PBJ, PBS, PEJ, PES Precision Balances

SKU DESCRIPTION Weighing Range g. Readout
Plate Size mm PRICE    
PBJ-4200-2M Multifunctional laboratory balance with single-cell weighing system, verification optional 4200 g 0.01 g 400x300 mm $2,139.00
PBJ-6200-2M Multifunctional laboratory balance with single-cell weighing system, verification optional 6200 g 0.01 g 300x240 mm $2,577.00
PBJ-620-3M Multifunctional laboratory balance with single-cell weighing system, verification optional 620 g 0.001 g 230x230 mm $2,303.00
PBJ-8200-1M Multifunctional laboratory balance with single-cell weighing system, verification optional 8200 g 0.1 g 300x240 mm $2,128.00
PBS-4200-2M Multifunctional laboratory balance with single-cell weighing system 4200 g 0.01 g $1,746.00
PBS-6200-2M Multifunctional laboratory balance with single-cell weighing system 6200 g 0.01 g 1190x840 mm $2,085.00
PBS-620-3M Multifunctional laboratory balance with single-cell weighing system 620 g 0.001 g $1,975.00
PEJ-2200-2M Robust laboratory and industrial precision scale for heavy items, verification optional 2200 g 0.01 g 1200x1500 mm $1,538.00
PDS-1000-3 Precision balance with flexible functionality and touch display 1000 g 0.001 g 1000x1000 mm $2,358.00
PDS-10K-5 Precision balance with flexible functionality and touch display 10000 g 0.01 g $2,577.00
PDS-2000-2 Precision balance with flexible functionality and touch display 2200 g 0.01 g 1000x1000 mm $1,483.00
PDS-300-3 Precision balance with flexible functionality and touch display 320 g 0.001 g 650x500 mm $1,374.00
PDS-4000-2 Precision balance with flexible functionality and touch display 4200 g 0.01 g 500x400 mm $1,702.00
PDS-6000-2 Precision balance with flexible functionality and touch display 6200 g 0.01 g 400x300 mm $1,942.00
PDS-600-3 Precision balance with flexible functionality and touch display 620 g 0.001 g 300x240 mm $1,964.00
PDT-1000-3 Precision balance with flexible functionality and touch display 1000 g 0.001 g 650x500 mm $2,577.00
PDT-2000-2 Precision balance with flexible functionality and touch display 2200 g 0.01 g 500x410 mm $1,702.00
PDT-300-3 Precision balance with flexible functionality and touch display 320 g 0.001 g 400x300 mm $1,592.00
PDT-4000-2 Precision balance with flexible functionality and touch display 4200 g 0.01 g 500x400 mm $1,921.00
PDT-6000-2 Precision balance with flexible functionality and touch display 6200 g 0.01 g 400x300 mm $2,161.00
PDT-600-3 Precision balance with flexible functionality and touch display 620 g 0.001 g 300x240 mm $2,183.00
PEJ-4200-2M Robust laboratory and industrial precision scale for heavy items, verification optional 4200 g 0.01 g 1200x1200 mm $1,757.00
PEJ-620-3M Robust laboratory and industrial precision scale for heavy items, verification optional 620 g 0.001 g 1000x1000 mm $2,030.00
PES-15000-1M Robust laboratory and industrial precision scale for heavy items 15000 g 0.1 g 1200x1200 mm $1,658.00
PES-2200-2M Robust laboratory and industrial precision scale for heavy items 2200 g 0.01 g 1000x1000 mm $1,189.00
PES-31000-1M Robust laboratory and industrial precision scale for heavy items 31000 g 0.1 g 1200x1200 mm $2,741.00
PES-4200-2M Robust laboratory and industrial precision scale for heavy items 4200 g 0.01 g 1000x1000 mm $1,428.00
PES-6200-2M Robust laboratory and industrial precision scale for heavy items 6200 g 0.01 g 1200x1200 mm $1,757.00
PES-620-3M Robust laboratory and industrial precision scale for heavy items 620 g 0.001 g 1000x1000 mm $1,702.00