Objectives, Light Sources & Accessories

MML1005 Mirror for MML1200 $36.00
MML1020 Halogen bulb 12 V 10 W $14.00
MML1021 Bulb 220 V 20 W $14.00
MML1240 XY movable specimen holder $57.00
MML2055 Blue filter for microscope ... for MML1200-MML1500, MBL2000 & MBL3000 $8.40
MBLLK Luminous-field diaphragm $146.00
MML1004 Micrometer ocular 10x $143.00
MML1002 Micrometer ocular 15X $143.00
MML1003 Stage micrometer $80.00
MML1006 Mirror for MML1500 and MBL2000 $36.00
MML1115 Eyepiece 15X $78.00
MML1016 Plano eyepiece 16X $64.00
MML1017 Eyepiece with pointer 10X $127.00
MML1105 Eyepiece 5X $78.00
MML1110 Wide field eyepiece 10X $78.00
MML1116 Eyepiece 16X $64.00
MML1120 Pair of eyepieces 20X $143.00
MML1023 Halogen bulb 30 W $15.00
MML2026 Immersion oil $63.00
MBLH Trinocular Head $319.00
MSL4326 Swivel arm for MSL4000 $403.00
MSL4334 Eyepiece pair 5x $160.00
MSL4333 Pair of eyepieces 10X $127.00
MSL4331 Pair of eyepieces WF 15X $134.00
MSL4332 Pair of eyepieces wide field $127.00
MG9 Frosted glass plate $46.00
MSL4999 2 lamps 12 V 10 W $20.00
MSL4336 Power supply unit for MSL4000 $31.00
MSL4335 Wheel for coarse drive for MSL4000 series $13.00
MSZ5419 Darkfield for MSL and MSZ $143.00