- Quantity in Basket:
- Code: V1963-02
- Price: $3,304.00
- Minimum Order: 1
- Product Description: SICCO Rack for Glove Box
- Material: AL
- Size / Dimensions: W 890 mm x H 720 mm x D 600 mm
- Product Details: Frame, side walls and rear wall made of Aluminum, including four connectors. The rack is adapted for seated working positions so that all areas of the glove box can be reached when seated. The table area conforms to the base; the SICCO Glove Box. Additional storage shelf under the Glove Box. The rack is delivered ready assembled only the Glove Box has to be fixed on the rack with the four connectors to prevent a slipping of the unit.
- Manufacturer :: Bohlender GmbH
- In Stock :: yes
- RFQ:
- Data Sheet: